Thursday, November 11, 2010


There are many languages spoken here, but the most beautiful is God's language of love.  When words cannot be found in the right tongue, there are smiles, gestures, "looks",.........a touch that can speak volumes.  I have a little friend (small in stature) named Gloria, she is Korean and probably about my age and even though I don't speak Korean and she speaks only a little English, yet, we have connected. 

Sometimes we work side by side in the kitchen, chopping, always chopping, sometimes cabbage, sometimes carrots, sometimes onions (which make us cry), sometimes fruit, but always a variety, whatever we chop, Gloria is always talking.  She asks me about my family, children, grandchildren, at least that is what I think she is asking.  I answer slowly that she might understand what I tell her, and then I ask questions about her family, and thru a lot of repeating, hand gestures, and funny faces, we manage to communicate...I think. 

Gloria is a precious sister in the Lord, she has a spirit about her that is inspiring to all of us in the kitchen as we listen to her pray in Korean with unabated enthusiasm.  Every morning at 6 a.m. the Mission Builders poor into vans and head for the campus for our devotions around the pool of reflection and all the international flags and when we get there Gloria is already there, praying, rocking back and forth, looking toward the heavens, and singing praises; she walks the 8/10th of a mile every morning, early, alone, all the way from our compound at Hale Ola, to the campus, just to spend her time with the Lord before we arrive.  Her love and dedication speaks volumes to me in that unspoken love language of God. 

I am humbled and blessed beyond measure to experience this universal love language here in Kona, every person that crosses my path during the day offers unconditional love, whether we speak the same language or not, through a smile, a gesture, a touch, the love language of the Lord seems to be known and spoken here.


                    Gloria is the second from the right, she is in a white top, black pants, and always ready to work. She's wearing the mandatory plastic kitchen apron. Glory is standing in front of our "CHOPPING TABLE."

1 comment:

  1. Oh so lovely, what powerful communication. makes me wonder what it would be like to have the opportunity to function without language and just rely on our ability to "connect." What an incredible opportunity.

    You just gave me a great idea for my next communication seminar too. What can you learn from a person, without exchanging words?

    We all need a Gloria to inspire us... and a Buckwheat for that matter, too.
