Monday, November 29, 2010


Well, here I sit on our last work Monday at 5:37 A.M. trying to bundle up some thoughts about what’s been happening with me, us, since I last posted on Tuesday, which was about “MAGIC”, which I know you’ve all read. I’ve still got no time to write, but here is a blast of facts beginning with Wednesday the 24th.
Wi-Fi has been working on an on and off mode from Wednesday-Friday, it has been most off when I had a smattering of time to write, or the energy.
Wednesday in the kitchen was crazy fast with all the prep for THANKSGIVING, I helped pull apart and pan 62 turkeys…hot turkeys…with my bare hands.
Greasy, hot, slippery, turkeys.
No Wi-Fi when we got home. Took the holocaust van to Wal-Mart for much needed shopping, I dodged out after 20 minutes and walked across the street to Borders and read some Hemingway and had a muffin and decaf coffee for dinner, I then bought a great Christian book called “God Attachment.”
I got walked home at night a little lighter and little brighter.
Thursday was a super early day, I, and two others, Ron and Brenda, both from Canada, had the privilege of being team captains of crews for the massive onslaught of people and birds, with this privilege came a longer work day, and earlier work day, and a harder work day. We think we were picked because of our age, Vern said it was because of work ethic, we think a gaggle of 60 something’s was better than a flock of 20 something’s being in charge of anything.
We served at a breakneck pace 1000 people for Thanksgiving Lunch.
My crew had to resupply the quickly vanishing food lines, two tables, two lines for each table, cranberry, yams, turkey, salad, bread, butter, napkins, forks, knives, plates, etc.
My crew had to be at work at 5:00 for packing dinner sacks, so when they came to dinner they could pick up their dinner sacks, since there wasn’t going to be any dinner served at the campus that night.
All Mission Builders had to work only half day, all except me, Ron and Brenda.
SPECIAL NOTE: This is for Heather and Zhenya only, don’t anyone else read it. The Turkey Lunch line lasted from 12:00-2:00 and went all the way up past the pool, up past your building and up on the sidewalk that leads to your building.
The feeding of the birds was like the fishes and the loaves, except reversed, instead of the food multiplying, the people did.
Buckwheat and I walked after work to our hangout, “On the Rocks,”resturant, to bury our feet in the beach sand, with the Tozers, from Moosonee, Canada, ya know, except it rained like never before, what a down pour, we were soaked to the bone, it lasted for a couple of hours, but it felt good after being punished by the bird people.
I can’t write about Friday and the weekend because the cattle vans are firing up their engines. Must run, this last week is the 50th Annivesay Celebration week with 5000 people expected, this last week should be fun. Hopefully, I'll post tonight.

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