Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The reasons why I love YWAM Kona are the same reasons I love East Oahu Christian Church when I pastored it, and why both will always stay with me as the most special place to have lived, worked, helped and ministered.
It is the very special diversity of peoples that are blended together that you can’t find any other place in the world on this scale.
East Oahu had many diverse people groups that mainland churches can never have, and through them you touch real cultures, histories, foods, styles, and family rhythms, senses of humor, honor and most importantly, faith.
The first day that I preached at East Oahu I was stunned, looking out at the members from so many nations and backgrounds, who have been brought together as a unique family by God, I believed then, and believe now that a church in Hawaii most resembles the diversity of heaven.
But East Oahu cannot compare to the diverseness of University of the Nations, Kona.
This place is truly stunning in its rich fabric of cultures that you get to work, worship, shop, play and pray with, people from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Korea, Brazil, Turkistan, Mexico, Canada, Newfoundland, Canada, Samoa, Hawaii, Fiji, Australia, Austria, South Africa, etc. etc. etc.
It is amazing to sit in the back of worship and watch all these people praise God, speak to the same God, love the same God, and  pray out loud in all our tongues at the same time to the One and Only God. Wow! it takes your breath away.
I love all the talks, discussion about all things faith and all things not of faith, to live and work among all this is heaven; there cannot be another place on this earth that you can experience the manifold fellowship of the world.
And they all want to worship and serve this mighty God of ours.
You hear about God doing, not just what He’s done in the past, or going to do in the future, or what he expects of us now, but what He’s doing. Real, biblical style miracles, raising people from the dead, healings, wild stories from around the world of God…doing.
People are leaving here with the stories that complete the bible; these are the end of the bible. This is what God has been doing. God is bigger and more active then the American churches could ever imagine.
Credible witnesses are telling His story of intervention and salvation.
Credible people groups from all around the world are sharing His stories, His active stories, and His faith intervention stories.
Credible people like Tim and Sara Walters, Heather and Zhenya Shulgin from Russian, Vern and Karen from Oregon, Montana, Papua New Guinea (The Chef of YWAM), Trond and Hege from Norway, Lukie from Samoa, Ron and Sharon from Canada, Sara from South Africa, etc.
Not has done, not is going to do, but is doing. God is doing.
The Nations declare it.
The Nations are living it.
The University of Nations models it.
Carol and I are, and have been the most blessed of all people to have experienced His heaven movement on earth through the nations and peoples He loves, there is nobody, no people groups He doesn’t touch, doesn’t love, and doesn’t include.
I think most people have misunderstood why Carol and I have stated so often why we loved our ministry in Hawaii more than any we had, it was because God granted us a very special view of the world in our little church, here in Kona, it is manifold that, it is the most amazing sight, a thrilling sight, to serve and work here is a blessing, a true life time blessing.
Phil 2:9-11  Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Thank you Lord, your smile has shown on us, the laughter and praise of your people is our covering. The aroma of heaven is in this place; bless this brave, trusting, world traveling, Gospel preaching people and campus.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly how we felt when we first came to Kona, HI in 2008 and feel now again. The diversity of brothers and sisters in the Lord from many nations around the world touched us in a powerful way, like no where else in the world.
    And we have found loving, lasting friendships from such experiences as these.
    Love in Christ,
    The Tozers (Canada)
