Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Extraordinary Among the Ordianary

Today, Wednesday was an ordinary day with extraordinary excitement.
It was another hard day of work. The number of them are numbing, it’s taking quit a toll on my mental toughness.
Each day is so tough that it takes an extraordinary spiritual adjustment. I constantly have to keep in mind that this is for a greater cause then the meager enjoyments that being in Hawaii can deliver, they are not equal, the work is so much, so hard, that the middle of the week is very tough indeed.
Every day is so draining on Buck and I that we feel like we are barely able to make it back to our room to take a nap, take the proper allotment of medicines and ice my knees. Today was especially hard on Buckwheat because she is under the weather, flu like symptoms.
We had a fun dinner date set with a couple who have a car, they look like they are going to be really fun, but we had to cancel due to Buck’s being sick.
So, she asked me to walk down to McDonald's to get her, her favorite $1.00 chicken sandwich. I had to hurry back up to make the van taking everyone to our big night out, we all look forward to this with great anticipation, I couldn’t believe that I was so excited to go to…TARGET!

Waiting for the van ride to Target among 30 of our team was an extraordinary event, in and of itself, due to the fun, music talent of Ron, the Canadian. He captivated the whole group, young and old with two funny songs, one "Be Happy, Don't Worry," we all sang along, then he sang "Lean On Me," as he played the ukulele, pure delight. What a fun bonding thing, as you look out at all the different nationalities laughing, with pure delight and a sense of belonging and togetherness.
Buckwheat sent me out to get two medicines she needed, but I, the super shopper, came back with $98.00 worth of goodies.
I’d become aware that sitting in this room with nothing to snack on, or to eat of any substance, was depressing, so I bought some happy food. Honey Nut Cheerios, a family size can of Peanuts, two candy bars, two fruit, gummy type of snakes, Wheat Thins, Ham, Snack Pack with cheese, crackers, and ham, Grape Nuts for Buckwheat, Irish Spring soap for me, pre-electric shave for me, Old Spice for me, Old Spice deodorant for me, coffee for me, a Serra Mist for us, a bag of M&M’s for Buckwheat, gum for me, gum for her.
Yippee, a night out, shopping at Target, being out of the little room, riding in a car, it was all to much, my head started spinning with foggy delight. I could taste happiness, depression went the way of my knee pain (Icing every day after work, as well as four Ibuprofen seem to do the trick) at the end of each day I can barely walk, but then the magic ice reduces the swelling, the Ibuprofen reduces the pain, and I’m almost giddy with a spring in my step, almost.
Buckwheat was delighted with my shopping, but she said "Did you get the medicines I needed," "what" I say, she tied to say,'coughing, with a horse voice,' "Did you get my medicines," 'coughing, gurgling, coughing,' I said "What, I can’t hear you, speak up," she has a coughing fit again and does a pantomime skit, complete with doctors, nurses, an ambulance, and a casket. "Yes, of course I got your medicine," I said, squealing with the delight that this type of minor torcher brings one.  
She squeals with delight. Buckwheat laughing is always extraordinarily delightful. Nothing makes me feel better than Buckwheat laughing.
I make Buckwheat laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.  

We miss our family and home. This is going to be a very long time away.
I was asked to preach Sunday for our Mission Builders special service at a Botanical Garden that looks out over all of Kona, the setting is supposed to be breathtaking, I will preach on encouragement.

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