Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday. "Wow, What a Difference a Day Makes." The Kitchen (Mr. Fixit), The Cafe, The Intercession

Today was a great day, a day in “My Spot” of service. By education, experience and giftedness I’m a teacher, this covers the pulpit (the weakest form), the classroom, counseling, evangelism, and writing. But my subset “Spot” is cleaning, I love to clean up, it energizes me, as well as fix things off the fly with duct tape, string, wire and Mickey Mouse.
Today, the kitchen afforded me the subset “Spot.”

Today, my knees did much better, nobody should be aware of their body parts, pain causes too much familiarity.
Today I was around music in the kitchen, young people, talking story, cleaning, preparing food, and most of all, fixing broken things in the kitchen, things that have broken for some time. None of you may believe this, but I’m a good Mickey Mouse, Jerry Rig, type of fix it man, don’t get this confused with construction (I’m not good, it’s not my spot).
The head Chef marveled at my diving into fixing this big, metal, cutting/preparation table on wheels, which has been broken for quite some time, they’ve used it on the lean, can’t move it because one set of wheels are broken, broken welding joints is the problem.
Don’t sweat the welds, wood will fix this. Like new baby.
They now think I’m a savant.
More broken things they say, “let me see what I can do, I say.” Viola, a broken door to a storage room (not used for a while) is fixed. Too much they say, can you also fix our seven foot high metal food trays? Well, perhaps, I see you have rolls of duct tape I say, the chances are good then; let’s give it a go, yea they say.
Pats on the back from big admiring Samoans, Polynesian dancer kitchen help, smile reverently, the Koreans bow their heads as I pass by, white people take my picture while I’m inside, fixing  the big metal cart.
The construction people want me.
I’m King of the Kitchen!
I also loaded, cut and unloaded vegetables at such a break-neck speed the Asians were calling me Mr. Ginsu.
Chef Vern asked me to lead some men (A Samoan, a Korean, a Dane, and an American); he asked for four strong men, me and three others, to unload a huge pallet of paper, I was put in charge because Chef Vern, along with his Chef gifts, has the gift of discernment.
The view from the kitchen is Ocean, Clouds, Blue, and steep, below us are para-sailors, and a cool breeze they are floating on. The kitchen is fun, fun, fun and very fruitful for Mr. Ginsu Fixit.
We spent the night in our Mission Builders meeting and then by threes went out in the neighborhood and prayed over some homes, streets, etc. Carol, Ron (the Canadian), and me, chose McDonald's. We set at an outdoor table and prayed for this meeting place, for all who work there, all who frequent it, and for divine appointments for all the Mission Builders who also frequent it, now, and in the future.  

I have been doing some counseling with a Mission Builder, tonight was, I hope, very helpful. God is always God, and guides the mind and the voice.
Hey, are you feeding my fish while I’m gone?

View along Ali'i Drive from the Kona Open Air Trolley

Another View Monday Night

My New Boss, Chef Vern (he owned two restaurants in Bend, Oregon and sold them to come to Kona,) he will be starting a culinary school here for students in January. Nice guy, he really, really like me.

Daily Kitchen Team Meeting

After work resting place. Work is over at three, but dinner is at five, so we don't go home, we go to the cafe and sit under the banyan tree and read, talk and look at the ocean view, as well as the beautiful campus and it's people.

More banyan tree and coffee, free WiFi

Some of my international friends

Every Tuesday night Mission Building team meeting, worship and go out to the city and pray over a spot, in threes, we picked McDonald's by our house, we sat on the patio and prayed for this meeting place.


  1. Already getting the full YWAM Kona experience! Going out to the community to pray. Praying that God will not only use you, but that your hearts and souls will greatly be refreshed. Love you. Heath

  2. Yay!! I'm so happy you found your spot!!
    Love You Lots!

  3. My F.P.

    Loving your stories of the day...hugs to you both.
