Thursday, October 28, 2010


Well, some of you have been asking about me (Carol).  So sit down and put your serious hat on because we all know I am not the funny one.  These past few weeks are difficult to put into words for me, so here are a few……..amazing, wonderful, exhausting, (yes, even in the mail room), inspirational, faith building, exhausting, lonely  (missing family and friends), deeply grateful, moved to a depth I have never experienced,  broken,  did I mention exhausted?  Touched by so many cultures, beautiful!  Outrageous worship and worship, like tonight, that draws you to the very foot of the cross.  Tears running down cheeks and arms raised to Heaven, wanting to draw closer to God.
In just 3 short weeks, we have experienced so very much, beginning with the Ironman. Talk about inspirational!!!  Men and women doing the extraordinary.
 New friends, the amazing Canadians, love them, they have become like family here, we laugh a lot!  The young people, Germans, Koreans, Swedish, all have become very special to me.  I love my bosses in the mail room, they are precious women that I love “talking story” with, everyone has a beautiful story.
It is awesome to watch the campus begin to morph and change in preparation for the 50th anniversary, I can’t believe we get to be a part, and as the time draws near, the excitement is at a fever pitch.  Flowers being planted all over the base, new decks being built around the Banyan Café.  New buildings going up everywhere, plowing of fields to prepare for very large tents, the are expecting between 3 to 4 thousand people added on to the already 1100 hundred that are here on the campus.  I feel humbled and privileged to experience this event.
Experiencing the Christian community 24/7.  As I walk across the campus you can hear voices all around singing praises to our Lord and King.  In the kitchen as we work we often times all break into song as we listen to Christian music.  Is this what Heaven will be like?  And all around there are people that love the Lord.  Young and old walk past each other and greet one another with a big smile and a warm hello. Precious.  Everyone feels loved and accepted just as you are.
And all this I get to share and experience with my Scooter, he is my best friend, my sweetheart . I am blessed.

By the way, my (Carol's) email and computer are not working, so email all correspondence to Scooter on his blog or Hoping to get my email running soon.

Love, Carol


  1. I am so enjoying this book I get to read everyday.Thanks for sharing your adventure. So what I got from your writing today Carol is that it is a little exhausting that correct? Dick, it was great to hear from you yesterday and thanks for your concern about my dad. I miss you guys......

  2. Beautifully said Mom. Good to hear your perspective too! Love you.

  3. Carol, you ARE the quintessential IRONWOMAN in every way... except for that soft sweet part, and the kind spiritual part and loving and caring for everyone and everything part.

    I love your stories and your writing and that you can tolerate a Canadian accent. I won't be as insecure when I return from the northland.

    Congratulations for getting a preview of "heaven" you deserve that 100 times over.

