Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hakani & the Tuesday Night Mission Builders Meeting

Tuesday night is always mandatory Mission Builders night.
This is a night of worship, announcements, prayer and inspiration.
Tonight the meeting was held outdoors, right outside our room as a matter of fact.
We welcome the new arrivals (20) and listen to them introduce themselves, a departing one was prayed over, and a sick one was prayed over.
Mike, my angular German friend, played the piano, and led us in worship.
Then we were shown a movie about a 15yr. old girl on this Kona base who was rescued in the jungles of Brazil by WYAM missionaries, (one loan, 16 year old missionary from YWAM), who rescued Hakani from sure death from here tribe because she was a cast out, any handicapped, our illegitimate child is considered an evil spirit and must be killed.
Hakani couldn’t walk or talk, so the tribe told the parents to kill her and her brother, both parents couldn’t do this so they committed suicide instead of killing their two children. So the tribe had the oldest brother kill his younger handicapped brother and sister, he killed the brother, but before he could kill Hakani, his younger brother rescued Hakani and kept her alive for three years until the missionaries came.
After the movie we got into groups of four and prayed for all the people who don’t have a voice, nor do they have advocates, and we prayed that the young YWAMers would take up the charge and go into the remote places and be the voice of the unheard. We prayed for ourselves that we too would let Hakani’s own voice ring in our hearts beyond our Mission Building.
People in the United States that have depression issues, are caused by self-focus, when we see the massive need in the world but we’re overcome with the slightest slights, we take the job of Satan from him, he doesn’t have to do anything more than get us pitting about ourselves instead of seeing the real disadvantaged.
Wow, all this from a 16 yr. old YWAMer who heard God’s voice to go into the most outrageous jungles by herself so she could rescue just one.
Hakani is now a 15 yr. old on our base, she still has many hurdles to overcome, but a bright future awaits for her, through God's people, and God's transforming Love. Doctors told her adoptive parents she would never walk, talk, or be able to learn, but this changed, Hakani talks in thee languages, she still wrestles with many handicaps, her mental capacity is that of a 9 yr. old, but Lilian, a Brazilian Mission Builder who spoke last night about Hakani, said Hakani is the happiest person she has ever met.

Hakani was a life God new was worth saving.

There are millions of Hakanis in the world.
God's Four: Look, Listen, Ask, Others: These four things is what God wants from us, with them he can change lives, change the world.

Our Four: Need, Want, Tell, Love Me: These four things is what we want from people, with them we get, or remain sick.

With God's four, we help others, and ourselves.  
Last night was a great night, including the hole in the wall, $3.00 Sushi.
Its 9:05 and we're listening to a voluminous rain.  

The rain brings serenity. 

The Lord brings peace. 

Tomorrow brings potential and opportunity, to be small, or to be big.

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