Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday of week one: The Day of Ease

Yesterday was the easiest day yet. No hard, fast pace kitchen work for me, for everybody else, yes, but not for me. 90% of the mission builders are young kids in the late teens and early twenties, from all around the world, they all work very hard, and very fast. Ron, my Canadian friend is the hardest, non-complaining, put me anywhere, type of guy, I just did fix it projects, all day.
We swam after work with a bunch of our team and Carol and I had a slow easy dinner out. We then walked back to base for the Thursday worship and preaching.
Carol and I decided to walk home under the beautiful, moon lit sky, with the silhouettes of the palm trees framing the nights sky, under a kiss of rain.
This was a day of ease, why? We don’t know, this first week has seen everything, so we still don’t have a sense of a pattern, maybe there won’t be one.
The Boss Vern and Manuel a Mission Builder from Switzerland, this is the food prep area

This is my Korean friend Zhin working on another food area

This is the floor manager, Joann, from the Philipians, she is a great, fun, good boss

These are my two great German friends, Ute in the forground, and Mike working in the big pot dish washing area. Yesterday one of my fix it chores was to fix the hand sprayer.

This is the back cleaning and prep, oven, dish washing area. The metal bar above the person in the photo was another project for me, I was asked to come up with some way to hang all the big cooking utinsels from it on a permenat bases.

Ashely the American on the left, Rebecca from Switzerland, and Tabia from Germany in the hot oven area

The Ovens

The view from Carol's mail room work space

Swimming with some of our friends after work

Tabia stepped on a sea urgent, barbs in her foot

Buck and I after swimming at Pancho Lefty's

Team bonding after work led by Samoan floor chief in the yellow shirt

1 comment:

  1. Love it. Love it. Love it!!!! so glad you had a more easy going day. I will always remember sitting there at the base crying tears of joy, in the warm sun, amazed that God had brought me to such a place and was doing such amazing things. 30 years of ministry is a lot of wear and tear on the heart, my prayer is that God will make up for lost time and minister to your tired hearts and that you feel refreshed and renewed. Love you both.
