Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday with the Prahlers from our East Oahu Church, and Sunday Worship, 1500 Ft. Above Kona at Mauka Meadows Botanical Gardens

Saturday was a really, fun day with Rick and Betty Prahler, they still live on Oahu, he comes over her for business all the time, so they came together to spend the day.
They picked us up in a real car and we showed them our home at Hale Ola, and then the YWAM University of the Nations base, they were amazed and impressed that we’d do this work project after retiring.
They weren’t very impressed with our room, but they were very impressed with the University of Nations campus.
We headed south for quite a long time; Rick has been here so many times he knows it like the back of his hand, so they took us sightseeing.
We saw the Captain Cook memorial island, which Buckwheat and I are going to paddle to in a few weeks, it takes twenty minutes of paddling in the open ocean but once there the sea life is incredible, snorkeling, porpoises, whales, sea turtles and many varied kinds of fish.
We then went to lunch, we asked some locals at Captain Cooks, they said “Go to Mogama Hotel and Restaurant, be sure to eat the pork chop,” I do, as well as the black eyed peas, the squash, rice and pork, top it off with a Diet Coke for my waste and we headum out again, bra, full ready for da kin mo.
We then head to the City of Refuge, a Hawaiian compound intact from King Kahamahmaha, it was awesome, we then head to a movie, a chick flick, it was a cute popcorn movie.
We head off again back up north for dinner in Kona at Poncho Lefties, it was awesome, and we close the night around 9:00 and fall in bed.
Church tomorrow, another semi-sleepless night, just like for thirty years of preaching, the importance of standing in the gap between God and His people has and is, very important, so much so, that you can’t turn off the sermon and prayer meter for very long, but great clarity always came through the night, this one would be no different.
None preachers will never now the beauty of the weight of those sleepless nights.
Sunday was a great day. Sermon Sunday’s have always been filled with spiritual helium.
Mauka (Mountain) Meadows was beautiful Botanical Gardens, the young people were blown away, and this was a perfect setting for God’s work.
Ron, the Canadian was asked to lead worship Acapella, two minutes before the service, he did a great job, it was pure and simple worship, and the setting sucked our breaths out to the Lord.
The sermon was solid, inspiring, full of fun, passion and accuracy, it left everyone wanting to do more and be better, which is funny since they are all the cream of the spiritual crop.
We came home, changed into our swim trunks and ate the dollar sandwich at McDonald’s, then down to the Kailua Bay Pier beach, were we laid around most of the time and talked with a gaggle of Canadians, laugh, laughing, laughter fill the blankets like sand.
We snorkel, look at fish, talk, laugh, swim, snorkel, talk, and laugh some more.
We get head home, get cleaned and go back to the base for a free, good dinner. We come home, I work on this blog, and Buckwheat went upstairs forty minutes ago to tell the Canadians that we can’t play cards again tonight, we are too tired.
I’m done with the blog, Buckwheat and the Canadians can be heard through my window, more laughter sifts through the screens with the scent of the Hawaiian flowers.
This has been a very full, fun, and important weekend. Through all the blogging there are many deep, spiritual talks, about many important things, with many important people.
It’s been important for Buckwheat and I do be here.
Another massive work week awakes, but now we’ve got the tiger by the tail, wait, is that a good thing, in this case it is.
My fish look puny, someone feed um, and I’ve posted new Brian Regan comedy stuff at the top, have fun with them, let me know if any of you listen to them and what you think, you likeee?

Buckwheat in front of the massive infinity reflection pool, I mean massive. The drop off at the end by the Palm trees is about thirteen feet, grass and trees below, the water falls off the edge add to the drama, we have our service below the falls.

This is the Misson Builders team, they are standing below the falls and looking out over a cliff, where Kona lies 1500 ft. below. I preached with my back to Kona, facing the group and the falls. Fun, beautiful setting for God's word.

Susan, a German girl is taking down Macadamia Nuts so we can crack them with the machine to the right. They were better than at the store.
Starting our trek down the very steep grade though the Mauka Meadows Botanical Gardens for our Sunday Worship service. They asked me to preach, I did, the text was Hebrews 10:19-25, it went very well.

Nam on the right is my friend, we work in the kitchen together. Nam is from South Korea, as are the other two boys.

This is the Queen Mother of Mauka Meadows

Mauka means mountain, and we are at the top of mountain.

These three girls are from South Korea, they worked with me for two hours in the kitchen beating frosting for cakes, then with seven others we peeled eggs for two hours. Left to right, they are Sue, Michelle, and Rose, all very fun.

This is Ute, a German girl being proposed to by a number of Koreans and one American. They were so taking by the beauty of the place and the girl that they couldn't contain themselves.

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