Sunday, October 10, 2010

Worshiped today on the beach/lawn, this is the Kona Beach Chaplaincy, which is the step child of Waikiki Beach Chaplaincy which my good friend Alex McGangus still runs.
The setting was stunning, the worship, dancing and preaching were not. God still spoke to me through it all, God always feeds one, if one has his mouth open, crumbs from God become a feast, much like the feeding of the three thousand.
All the Mission Builders are heading to the beach in a van, all, except us, we didn’t sign up in time, and rules are rules. Our two Canadian friends aren’t too happy with the powers that be, but they be.
It’s 12:05 P.M. and Carol is on the bed reading and I’m typing my blog. We will soon head back to Kona Bay and read on the beach, dinner tonight will be on the base, we didn’t go to the movie yesterday, so today, all alone again, we will attempt to reach the movie, this time not by walking, much too far, perhaps a Taxi will be in order.
Much love to my girls, my love for you all has grown more since this morning, but this is true of every day.

Beach Church Preacher

Beach Church People

The Worship Team

The Worship Dancer

The Beach Church Worship Tent...view of Kona Bay, Dolphins were jumping out of the water...

The Mission Building Gang, Two Canadian Couples and Us, the cute ones...

"THE" Cutie

"THE" Cutie and the Pututie

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