Sunday, October 10, 2010


Sunday Morning, Oct. 10, The Start of Day Three
Up at 6:00 A.M. to walk down to McDonald's for spam, eggs and rice.
Took my Sports Illustrated, Bible and bought the paper to check college football results.
Once through the sports stuff, I had my devotions in Mark 1, I was moved by Jesus resolve and call, wondering what God will be saying to me while here.
Met some Mission Building women, talked story, and met a local woman as well who saw my Bible and wanted my paper, she told many wild stories about her faith to the two women and myself (didn’t buy her act, felt she was more interested in sounding faithful then being faithful, and still more interested in my paper, she said she was pure Hawaiian (there is almost no such kind any more), her bleached blond hair told me more about her then her stories.
Came back to the room to take a shower for church, taking a shower is a rule numbing experience. First, one has to read the rules sheet posted in the bathroom, I’m not a detailed rule reader or follower, I get the main idea and do it, Buckwheat was none to happy with my caviler rule reading, so this morning I read them in detail. After showering, I must bleach down the stall, then get the sponge (under the sink, a rule I missed before), then with the rough side, wipe down the whole stall, once this feat was accomplished, I must rinse out the sponge, and wipe it down again with the soft side, rinsing, wiping, rinsing, wiping. It’s really humid in Hawaii, all the wiping and rinsing caused extreme sweating, I had to take another shower, on, and on, it went. I was tired by the shower rule thing, and came back to our room drenched from the rules, and the wiping and rinsing, and had to take a nap, it’s 8:00 A.M. and I’m Mission Building tired already.
We are going with the other Mission Builders to church (in a van…no walking), to an outdoor beach church, then up to the base for lunch, then off to a special beach where old Mission Builders can strip down to their bathing suits and not be embarrassed by some hard, surfing type bodies.
Our room is a five star hotel compared to Ron and Sharon’s room (our Canadian friends). Wow, they had only room to squeeze by each side of the bed; the room could barely contain the bed, much less two people with a couple months of clothes and hope.
Prayed for Stonecreek’s service and direction.  Much love to my girls and my blessed brood of grandchildren, my computer screen is filled with everyone’s faces, pure delight.

ADDENDUM: Just got back from an 1:15 minute talk with Carol and the Canadians, told them my shower story and they laughed, they said I didn't read the rules correctly, you only have to wipe and rinse, wipe and rinse...once a week. Reading the rules, details, details, the devil is in the details.


  1. Hahaha!!! I laughed hysterically while reading this! You are an amazingly gifted story teller. Thanks so much for writing, it's fun to follow your adventures. And great job downloading pics!! You guys are so lucky to have such a "massive" room!:) Love you! Heath

  2. Sitting here all alone at the office laughing out loud at this shower story.......then I spent some time feeding the fish...haha.

    Robert :)

  3. That made me laugh so much. Tim would read it the same way. Glad you are having a great time. We miss you tons but I feel that we are with you because of this blog. Thank you, Nicole
