Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One True Sentence.

Ernest Hemingway said that he would reassure himself about his doubts about writing again once he finished a story, he worried about being able to write again, finding the spark again, he would say to himself “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.  It was easy; because there was always one true sentence that you knew or had seen or had heard someone say, just write one thing that you knew about.”
Here goes my one true sentence for today.
"Hyper worship doesn’t translate into practical, Christ like behavior once the music fades and the crowd disbands."
The honeymoon is over, and life here at YWAM O Camp is going to last a long time, and though it, real faith won't be masked by song lyrics.

Some YWAM Christian women have stolen other women’s dirty cloths, underwear and bathing suit.
More news, some YWAM women are also not cleaning up after themselves while leaving disgusting messes for the other women in the dorm to deal with.
Some of the craziest worshiping young bulls are the laziest and sickest, a lot of work is being left to others to manage. In Mission Builder lingo, this is stealing, since the U of N is paying us room and board to be here, carrying your own work load is kind of like carrying your cross for others, or is that just a song?
Oh, no, say this isn’t so, some women are found in the men’s rooms, “just talking and stuff.”
More pleas, more sittings.
One young spiritual worshiping giant is known to have berated an older women helper because she wouldn’t wait hand and foot on him. He’s sick you know.
Cleaning up the tables allows me to hear gossip and slander.
Wait, didn’t you guys jump crazy for Jesus yesterday?
Some menboys in the men’s dorms who worshiped the tar out of the Ohana Court Worship floor, can’t clean up the one their dirty clothes and food  lays upon in their community home space, this after appeals by a really cool, patient, graceful, older saint I’d bet money on in a fight.

Chef Vern asked me to hang up some special signs he bought, I was asked to hang them on the four posts by the two food lines, they read "DO NOT ENTER." I said, what are these for, he said to stop the people from cutting line, running up to the front of the line through the end of the food line, swiping their cards and getting their food. I said how often does that happen? He said "All of the time, with all ages, and it has been going on forever." I said with Christians? He laughed. I said but you should have seen them worship Monday. He laughed.
The worship music is stunningly great, all the time. Old songs, sung by young leaders, great vibe, great voices, great music, super leading.
Beautiful stuff, really moving, but don’t tell me I’ve got the freedom to worship any way I want and not mean it.

Total freedom to do my own thing, well, not really my thing, your thing, total freedom apparently means to get up off the chair and worship the way they want, you know, totally free and stuff. “Go over to the person next to you and dust the rust off of their shoulders, help them dance crazy for Jesus, you know, with total maniacal abandonment, free like, without any doubts," the talented man says.
"GET UP I SAID, JUMP CRAZY FOR JESUS, INHIBITED, TOTAL FREEDOM, NO INHIBITIONS, YOU HAVE TOTAL FREEDOM TO DO YOUR OWN THING." Except for that old couple over there sitting down in the back (not stated). 
"Help um Jesus! Move the music to their cerebral cortex, so they can be totally free, you know…to behave like you did."

John 14:23-24 
Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."


  1. Ministry, is ministry, is ministry everywhere you go! And people are, people are, people! We are one big mess aren't we? No matter what church or what christian organization, you will come across the deeply beautiful and the self absorbed and immature in one crazy group. Unfortunately, your description is how most non-christians think of Christians. We are quick with our proclamations but the daily grind reveals our true selves. The honeymoon may be over, but I know God is going to continue to amaze you by revealing the gems in the middle of the mess! Love you! Heath

  2. PD - Picking up after these folks must make you feel like some kind of a... a... servant, huh?


    Love ya and miss ya

    Scott S!
