Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday: Another Day in Paradise, uh, WYAM

Short afternoon report...

We worked.

I ate like a bird today, Two hard boiled eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast, little yogurt with raisins for lunch. I don't know what Carol eats, we don't eat together, too different schedules.

We came home at 3:00.

We both took Ibuprofen, she three, me four.

She laid down, doesn't feel well, flu like symptoms.

I laid down next to her, feel fine, but have to ice my knees.

Both too a short nap.

Hawaii is awesome, but you don't see much of it during the day, head down, nose to the grindstone, you might as well be working in Compton, California.

Ron the Canadian, awoke us for Sushi, I take him up on it, Buck does not.

Still not feeling well, I offer to stay and go down to McDonald's and buy us stuff, she says, "no you go, you like Sushi." I go.

I'm not sure Buckwheat's not going for Sushi isn't related more to Sushi, then to her not feeling well.

Mission Building meeting tonight at 6:30.

We'll come home after the meeting tonight, and I'll scan the computor (my tv and paper) to catch all the news.

If anything grand happens I'll post it on my blog.

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